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Any reference on this website to a specific firm, individual, commercial product or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement by the Land Conservation Assistance Network (LandCAN) of such firm, individual, product or service. Information is reported as received from the companies and individuals listed here. The views and opinions of authors expressed on this website or in any referenced documents do not necessarily state or reflect those of the LandCAN and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

Links to other websites do not constitute endorsement by the LandCAN of the linked web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein.

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With respect to any information, products, services or documents available from this site, neither the LandCAN nor any of its employees makes any warranty, express or implied, including the warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for, the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any such information, products, services or documents.The information provided on this website is intended as a general discussion of issues concerning the topics discussed and does not constitute legal advice or a legal opinion. We strongly encourage all persons to seek the advice of legal counsel before acting on any laws discussed in this website.

The LandCAN is not responsible for the content of any linked websites. The LandCAN is not responsible for any costs, damages, claims, liabilities, and judgments arising from past, present, and future negligent or wrongful acts or omissions by any of the service providers listed in our database in connection with any service provided.

LandCAN is an equal opportunity provider.