Private Conservation boasts record progress

By: Amos S. Eno
Posted on:01/07/2008 Updated:07/21/2010

More than 11,000 acres were protected in Massachusetts in 2007 through conserrvation  easements

See the two recent article links below from the Boston Globe and the Denver Post

First ,the Boston Globe reports that more than 11,000 acres were protected in Massachusetts in 2007 through conserrvation  easements , the most land protected in one year since the state inaugurated the easement program in 1967. More land was protected through conservation easements last year than the three previous years combined. The reason???

" Environmental leaders said the driving factor was a tax break Congress and President Bush approved in August 2006"

Second, The Denver Post reports that farmers and ranchers are going out of their way to protects dwinding species and wildlife habitat. "..Private landowners are scrambling to keep imperiled plants and animals off the endangered species list by protecting habitat voluntarily." In Colorado's San Luis Valley " people here felt like they could do a much better job taking care and preservinfgthe habitat.... such collaborative efforts are becomiong coomonplace as landowners develop innovative ways to deal with species protection."

Check out the articles:

Boston Globe

Denver Post



re: Private Conservation boasts record progress
By: Attin on: 07/21/2010

The Boston Globe reports that more than 11,000 acres were protected in Massachusetts in 2007 through conserrvation easements , the most land protected in one year since the state inaugurated the easement program in 1967. Nice article.