Texas Forestry Best Management Practices


Best Management Practices (BMPs) are designed to help landowners, foresters, loggers and others protect water quality during forestry (silvicultural) operations. BMPs can prevent, or at least greatly reduce, nonpoint source pollution of water bodies from forestry activities. The use of the BMPs is non-regulatory in Texas and this manual should be used as the guideline for BMPs. If everyone involved in forest management implements these practices, water quality can be protected without strict government regulation.

These Forestry Best Management Practices are a part of the Nonpoint Source Management Program administered by the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board. Under the requirements of the Agricultural Code of Texas, the Board is responsible for planning, implementing, and managing programs and practices for abating agricultural and silvicultural (forestry) nonpoint source pollution. The specific silvicultural practices section of the program was modeled with contributions from Texas A&M Forest Service and Texas Forestry Association.

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