Managing Private Land for Public Benefit

The University of California recently published this video that talks about how working lands can be used and protected simultaneously. California is a living laboratory to explore how a society can address land use issues facing humanity. Experts at several colleges in California are investigating how to manage conservation issues in increasingly complex circumstances. Watch this 8-minute video to find out more!
Thank Your to Our eNewsletter Subscribers Who Sent a Matching Gift for Our Upcoming NRCS Grant Application!
We are on our way to reaching the required 50% match for our $1.5 million grant application with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). 

Our grant application will focus on building online portfolios on the Habitat Conservation Assistance Network (HabitatCAN) website to provide resources for the conservation of the lesser prairie chicken and monarch butterfly, which are entirely dependent on private landowners to achieve species recovery. We are also applying to build a Georgia LandCAN and a Kansas LandCAN.

Vulnerable wildlife like the lesser prairie chicken and monarch butterfly rely on private lands—often utilized for agricultural production—for vital habitat. As conservationists, our solution is to create a system that allows farmers, ranchers, and foresters to protect wildlife habitat without harming their means to earn a living.

Please consider making a donation to LandCAN.

Join your fellow LandCAN newsletter followers and help us reach a 50% match so that we can receive the NRCS grant. With your donation, we can help private landowners with the resources they need to protect the lesser prairie chicken and the monarch butterfly. Farmers, foresters, and ranchers in Georgia and Kansas would greatly appreciate and benefit from the invaluable resources we can provide them to make good, sustainable decisions about their land.
Make Your Matching Gift Today!
LandCAN is Honored to Receive Grant Awards!
LandCAN is extremely fortunate to have the trust and financial support from all our donors. We would not survive if it wasn't for your generosity. We are honored to be the recipient of recent grant awards that help us with our greatest needs, and more recently with matching funding to support our upcoming grant opportunity with the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (see story above).

The French Foundation of Pennsylvania has been a staunch supporter of LandCAN for 8 consecutive years. We welcome their generous grant award of $5,000.

The Charles Koch Foundation of Virginia recently awarded $100,000 to LandCAN. They have been a dedicated funder for the past 5 years.

The Ohrstrom Foundation of New York awarded LandCAN two grants totaling $50,000 in 2019! The Ohrstrom family have provided not only the financial support for our work, but they also promote our online resources and serve as invaluable advisors when needed. We are very appreciative of their years of support!

The Board and staff are honored to be receive these prestigious grant awards. These gifts serve as testimony for the confidence in LandCAN and commitment the foundations have to land conservation across the United States.

We extend our sincerest thank you to all our donors and those of you who believe in our work.
Email Us

Our mailing address is:
Land Conservation Assistance Network
74Lunt Road Suite300
Falmouth, Maine 04105