Stephane Farmer

Dr. Stephane Farmer has been practicing veterinarian medicine since 1995 when she graduated from Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine. After numerous years of performing emergency medicine, Dr. Farmer decided to open Perky Paws Pet Hospital with the goal of bringing her confident, compassionate bedside manner to both patients and their parents. Dr. Farmer enjoys the challenge of diagnosing and treating diseases, as well as performing surgery and maintaining animal health by using preventative medicine. She knew from the day she was born that she would be a veterinarian; that is of course if she couldn’t magically become a cat. Her commitment to animal care is enforced with memberships of Texas, American, Collin County, and Dallas Veterinary Medical Associations.

Practice Type
Small Animal Exclusive

Contact Stephane Farmer

REMINDER: This listing is a free service of LandCAN.
Stephane Farmer is not employed by or affiliated with the Land Conservation Assistance Network, and the Network does not certify or guarantee their services. The reader must perform their own due diligence and use their own judgment in the selection of any professional.

Contact Stephane Farmer

Perky Paws Animal Hospital
3100 S Ridge Rd
Suite 500
McKinney, Texas  75070
Phone: (214) 592-9939


Service Area

Services provided in:
  • Collin County, Texas

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